Saturday, May 31, 2014

Mordekai's Original Games

By Mordekai

Rasufelle asked me to write a “historical perspective” about gaming for their Game Academy blog.  
I could have been offended at being considered a “historical” gamer.  But I chose to take it as a compliment.  So here’s some history about me, games and gaming.

I bought my first “computer” when I was 15 -- that’s 35 years ago.  I spent $59 on a TI-57 programmable calculator.  That was a load of cash for a kid who made $20 a week catching chickens.  The calculator could hold 50 steps of programming and had eight memory locations.  It came with a manual with some sample programs and even had blank sheets to write down the steps for personal programs.  I had a 12 digit red LED display.

TI_57 Close.JPG

I made two games for that calculator:  I made a program that would roll two dice, displaying random numbers between 11 and 66 without the 7, 8, 9, 0.  It was my first individually developed program and quite a challenge.  Nobody was teaching programming in high school back then.  I then wrote a “reflex” game that would scan a string of zeros across the display with a 1 cycling through them.  The challenge was to stop the 1 as the first digit.

As an interesting aside: (At least to me.) This was 1979 and electronic calculators were just becoming affordable to the average person.  I took my calculator to school almost every day.  I even had a nerdy little plastic carrying case that hooked on my belt.  However, I was barred from taking it into math class.  The math teacher and the superintendent made sure I left that evil machine in my locker during math.  How things have changed; now schools require students to have a calculator in math class.

In 1980, several things happened to me and to the computer industry.  I discovered girls and got my driver’s license.  I got a “full time” chicken catching gig, so I was making as much as $100 a week -- good money for a kid back in the day.  I bought a car -- a 1963 Bel Air, 4-door, 3-on-the-tree -- and I rue the day I traded that old girl for a brand new Cavalier.  On the computer front, Radio Shack introduced the TRS-80 Model I computer.  I had to have one.  They cost $600 for the bare machine: Computer with 4kb of RAM, Monitor, Cassette Recorder (for storage.)  I told Mom and Dad I wanted one and I would pay for it.  With six kids in the family, just buying one wasn’t really an option, so they got me one on a 1-year payment plan -- $56 a month.  Mom brought it home and gave me the computer -- and the payment book.  I paid it off in 3 months.trs80 Model I.jpg

My first real computer was a thrill.  (Almost, but not quite, better than girls.)  When I got it all set up and turned it on for the first time, it spoke English.  It said: READY> and I wasn’t.  So I opened the manual and started learning Model I BASIC.  The machine came with some example BASIC programs.  One was a game called Lunar Lander, which demonstrated how to use the Model I’s Block Graphics.  I spent hours typing in vectors and powers to land the lander without crashing.  It was truly an all or nothing game: The lander landed or it exploded on impact.  Start over.  It also came with Blackjack and Backgammon, programmed in Model I BASIC.  I learned to love Blackjack and to hate backgammon.  I still swear the machine cheated on the dice rolls.  I typed in a game from a magazine; it may have been Elementary Electronics, to which I subscribed for several years.  I can’t recall, but that was one of the things magazines used to do -- list the code of a program so it could be typed in.  The game was Hamurabi.  I stored the typed in code on cassette and my brothers and I played this little simulation game for hours.  In addition, I could tinker with the code and eventually added some of my own modifications to enhance the game play.  Hamurabi.JPG

I bought several commercial games for the Model I.  Specifically, I bought MicroChess.  I always felt chess on the Model I was a hell of an accomplishment.  The machine only had 4kb of RAM.  To program such a complex game into so little space was impressive.  Then again, even I could beat the game on Level 1 without much challenge and on Level 2 we were fairly evenly matched.  My uncle, a chess master, slaughtered it on Level 3, the highest skill.  Still, it was like Star Trek in my room with a computer that could play chess.


I bought a text adventure called “Haunted House.”  This game was probably not worth the $5 I paid for it.  However, it was my first text adventure.  After a single run-through of the “Haunted House,” solving a couple of easy puzzles, the game was over and really not worth playing again. However, it was a good example of what the computer could do specifically for people without a clue. Visitors to the house would come to my room to see my computer.  It was quite the novelty.  (I had the first one in the county.)  The impressive part was that you typed English into it and it responded in English on the screen.  I could set them down with a list of English commands and they could easily grasp how it all worked.  Type a command; get a response.  It made the whole idea of a computer a lot more people friendly and a lot less technologically intimidating.

This game was also interesting from a novice programmer’s perspective because Model I BASIC only had two string variables available for use: $A and $B.  So data for the program had to be plugged into these two strings for every input comparison.  (My next computer could use any number of strings and I was thrilled!)

The “Haunted House” game convinced me that I could program an adventure game myself and probably better.  I created a BASIC game of surviving nuclear war.  It really wasn’t any better than “Haunted House” but it wasn’t worse, either.  Except, somewhere in the code, I misspelled “Nuclear” as “Necular” and my older brother made fun of me.  But, he played my game.  I also programmed a “craps” game that rolled graphical dice on the screen and allowed input of bets based on a small startup amount.  It was probably my best program on the TRS-80.  I intended to send it to a magazine for publication but didn’t have a printer to send a hard copy and never actually got around to mailing off a cassette.  


The last game I bought for the TRS-80 Model I was Space Warp.  This was a Star Trek take off ASCII game.  It was difficult to play and hard to win. Unlike games today, when you died, you were done. You could start a new game or you could go do something else.  What you could not do was load a save game or retrieve a lost character.  My friends would come over and wait in line to play this game.  We would all sit around the computer and coach and cheer the player, waiting for our turn at the controls.  We kept a sheet on the wall beside the computer to track high scores.  We probably spent more time on Space Warp than all the other games combined. It was a precursor to the future of gaming in that it required strategic planning and tactical combat to win.

My last year of high school, 1982, I joined the Air Force to be a computer programmer.  During that summer, I traded my TRS-80 for a motorcycle.  As fate would have it; I could not be a programmer in the Air Force because I missed all 20 color-blindness test cards.  (You can find that story and more in my book Ordinary Man.)  So the military sent me to journalism school -- something black and white.  Meanwhile, as a journalist and public affairs technician for the Air Force, I never gave up my passion for computers and games.  I continued to teach myself programming and computer operations even if the Air Force wouldn’t let me near anything but word processors and typesetting machines.

That’s all for now:  Here’s what’s in the queue for later articles.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

PC Review: Defender's Quest: Valley of the Forgotten

Over the last five years indie games have gained a steady and impressive following among both PC and console gamers, giving rise to a rebirth of many classic game types and the birth of many creative new game styles as well. One of the game types that has benefitted the most from the rise the indie market is the Tower Defense genre, and there are few games that exemplify the quality an indie title can reach like Defender's Quest: Valley of the Forgotten.

At first glance Defender's Quest does little to inspire confidence in the overall product. With a rudimentary title screen and an almost complete lack of graphics options the game will seem lean on content to start with. Even the cinematics in the game are somewhat jarring and a let down, consisting of still images that, in all honesty, would feel more at home in a flash game than a title developed for sale.

Delving deeper into the game, however, will quickly show you the quality that lies beneath this initially lackluster veneer. The in-game graphics are a wonderful modern take on the 16-bit era, colorful and with enough animation to keep battles fairly lively and interesting. While the graphics options are sparse at best, the game wows with how much customization it allows in its gameplay experience, allowing players the option to tune experience gains, character downtime penalties, and even monetary gains to suit most players from the most hard-core strategy gamers to those who are looking for a more relaxed experience. Despite the less than stellar presentation for cutscenes the characters themselves are all colorful and fun, and the art design itself only fails due to a lack of consistency between cinematics and gameplay. Characters offer a rudimentary RPG-style skill and level up tree, and combining that with the ability to level up characters mid-level to gain access to more advanced combat techniques gives the entire game a great deal of depth. The equipment system is underwhelming, with new swords and armor offering nothing in terms of rewards beyond an incremental stat boost, but the entire design shows a great deal of promise, if not polish.

Gameplay is often quick, but can be paused to allow the player time to consider strategy as often as one needs to. Overall the difficulty curve on the game is well managed: with rewards turned up the game is a relaxing affair that still manages to hold your attention, while turning them down increases the difficulty and need for strategy without ever becoming unfair. Controls with either the keyboard or mouse are generally responsive and convenient, and there is next to nothing in the experience that will frustrate most players unduly. Level design is well handled as well, with the levels scaling nicely to present new placement and enemy challenges as the player progresses through the game.

With an intriguing storyline, good characters, and incredibly scalable gameplay that allows it to appeal to audiences of varied skill or dedication, Defender's Quest succeeds in presenting its players with a high-quality product worth investing your time in. While visual presentation suffers due to a mish-mash of different styles, it is only a minor flaw in the face of an otherwise well-made and solid game.

Final Rating: 8 out of 10.

Despite its visual shortcomings many game designers could learn a thing or two from Level Up Labs about accessible gameplay. By appealing to users seeking a hardcore strategy experience as well as those looking for a more casual game the creators have come up with a stand-out strategy title for both markets.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Writer Introductions: Rasufelle

Do not pay attention to that name beneath the posts!

Nolan Ezell. N. Ezell. Yeah, these are me.

But, please, call me Rasufelle. Or Ras, even. No, this isn't some weird internet role-play thing, I just don't like my legal name very much, so despite my needing to use it on my Google+ profile for professional reasons (and, therefore, have it appear on everything Google-related I do) please ignore it.

Now that's out of the way, let's get to my actual introduction.


Hi! I'm Rasufelle, though you can call me Ras for short, and I'm your resident editor/site owner/author of posts!

Given the blog's obvious game focus, it should be equally obvious that I like games. I love games. I ADORE games. I also adore the history behind them and their cultural impact, hence my plans for this place. (It's slow in developing, I know, but trust me, we'll expand in the future!) I was introduced to games on the cold winter night the first NES was ever brought into my home as a child, and I've been hooked since. PC games, board games, card games, console games, pinball, pool, I enjoy them all, and they're all equally fascinating to me.

For the foreseeable future I'll be the primary content provider here, though I DO have additional writers lined up to provide us with alternative outlooks and information. I do have my biases, so be forewarned: I'm very anti-Apple and I'm incredibly disappointed in the Xbone so far, I don't enjoy sports games and, well, I'm your typical geek overall. I'm a lax feminist, ethical hedonist, uber-liberal, so you'll often see me argue in favor of equality and fair unbiased treatment of gender and sexuality in games, as well as speaking out against excessive violence (though only when it's handled poorly.) I believe that games should be played for the experience and not for the competition or completion, and as such my opinion of what makes a game good or bad will likely differ from that of a lot of other sites or reviewers/players. Keep in mind that reviews, opinion posts, and the like are just that, opinions, and by no means should they be taken to slight or belittle anyone else's view.

Unless we're talking Apple products. *shudders*

See ya 'round!

NOTE: On a whole the site WILL seek to provide unbiased information when applicable, including to Apple products. My personal views are not what I want this site to be about: I want it to be concerned with the games community as a whole. As such, embracing those who use iOS or Mac devises for games will be necessary to provide readers with an optimal experience.

Just don't expect me to be the one to write those articles.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Post Types On Game Academy

In the future posts on Game Academy HRO will be loosely divided into categories, defined by not only the labels used for the posts but also by the titles themselves. Currently the intended post types are as follows:

Gaming lessons

No, these are not going to be pretentious "this is what it means to be a gamer" posts or how-to-plays or guides on how to think. Gaming lessons are going to be site content engineered toward understanding and appreciating the history and significance of gaming in its myriad forms. These lessons will follow a class-styled naming convention, consisting of the lesson value (Gaming 101, Gaming 302, etc,) followed by the subject matter of that lesson. Start looking forward to "Gaming 101: What Is A Game?" some time in the near future.

Tabletop Concepts

Tabletop Concepts are going to be articles and even opinion pieces focusing on tabletop strategy and role playing games. In these the site will focus on discussions about game mechanics, systems, and the roles tabletop gaming has played in culture from a less historically-oriented perspective.


While the long-term plan is to have reviews play as small a role in the site's content as possible given their abundance from other sources, reviews will nevertheless appear on occasion. Reviews will always be the opinion of the writer and not of the site as a whole, and will be labeled by the system the review is for, such as in the case of our Arkham Origins review.

Opinion Pieces

Opinion pieces and editorials, at this time, will not have any special naming conventions applied, so if an article or piece appears that does not have a colon in the name, it's automatically an opinion piece. While the long term plan is to phase these into only sporadic content, much like the reviews, the short-term is likely to see many of these pieces to help build content strength for the site.

More content types will possibly be added to our repertoire in the future, but for now, these are the types of content you should expect to start seeing in the near future.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Can A Game About Crime Be A Lesson In Gender Ethics?

I am a huge fan of the Saints Row series.

When I discovered this it came as a huge surprise. I can't stand the Grand Theft Auto series, or most any other game that sends you into a city with the intent being to wreak havoc and generally menace the civilian population all while murdering cops and committing felonies, yet I find myself oddly in awe of the Saints Row games.

There are a few reasons I feel more positive about them than others, but most all of those reasons can be summed up in two broader ones: firstly, that the games aren't afraid to embrace the fact that they're games, and second, the almost unerringly even hand with which the game treats equality of gender.

How can a game where you rescue hookers from boats and watch women parade around town in lingerie show gender equality? It's very simple: it treats men and women almost universally equal. Sure, the women in lingerie are more common, but a close look will also reveal plenty of men walking around in speedos and gimp masks, and of the major characters among both the villains and the antiheroes the women make up some of the strongest in terms of personality and impact. Like most women in video games they have their over-sexualized elements, but in a game where you spend a rather lengthy mission running around with a nude giant and another with one of your major male allies in pony gear pulling a cart, women in tight turtlenecks or who are blatant about their sexuality are almost tame in comparison. They are business owners, or public figures of power, or even staunch allies in combat, but one thing they most certainly never are is weak.

What's just as impressive as this treatment with the non-player characters is the game's treatment of your avatar. The game takes an AFGNCAAP approach to NPC dialogue throughout, with multiple voice tracks for male, female, and even zombie characters all changing subtleties of the dialogue and blending wonderfully with every other spoken line in the game. Your character can be as fat, thin, ugly, pretty, or even well endowed (male OR female) as you care to make them, and regardless of your choices your character's grand-scheme sexuality and personality are kept ambiguous enough to fit with any style of role-play a player could want within the restrictions of a game about criminal fantasy. The game actually rewards you for changing your character's sex in-game and devoting play time to both sexes throughout your in-game career.

Most of all, permeating every fiber of every element of this, the game has a sense of humor about what it does. When it's being sexist -- in either direction -- the game is not afraid to fully embrace that and play its sexism for all it's worth, the same as it does for casual violence, crime, and even the world itself, a setting where mass murder and misdemeanors are marketing ploys and publicity stunts. It's a game that WANTS you to see how over the top everything it does is, and in that way it negates the very problems it seems to promote.

It's satire in its purest form, and is one of the best treatments of gender as a whole I can remember experiencing in any game ever.

The issues concerning the representation of women in games has long been an issue within the industry. Many are the arguments one will hear either justifying it or condemning it, and there are well-reasoned arguments on both sides of the divide. Because of this, I am resolutely not going to get into the greater issues concerning whether games are targeted toward men or women as a whole. Instead, what I am going to touch on is a smaller and in my personal opinion more important issue entirely and that is the ethics of the treatment of gender in games on an individual level.

I should probably start with defining what I mean by "the ethics of the treatment of gender," or to shorten it let's just call it "gender ethics" from here on out. What I mean by this is how a game handles gender regardless of any perceived target audience by treating players, whether they are perceived to be men or women, boys or girls, with an equal amount of respect concerning mental capacity, gameplay skill, or even tastes in content.

Using this as our guide for what "gender ethics" means, it is easy to see how many games fail to take this into account to any great degree, worst of all games that are supposedly targeted toward improving equality in the gaming market.

The Rules of Gender Ethics

Rule 1: Gameplay Content Does Not Dictate Player Gender

This is one of my first, and most major, peeves with gender ethics in games, and that is the mistaken notion that the way a game is intended to be played or the way the content in it is presented somehow makes certain games more, shall we say, gender-savvy than others. Many are the times I've seen arguments promoting games like The Sims, or Peggle, or even the Imagine series on DS as examples of female-oriented games, and to me this is a terrible tact to take. By insisting that certain games are more appropriate or better exemplify the types of content most often sought by one gender or the other people on both sides of the gender equality arguments are missing the mark.

Is it a fact that male and female brains function differently in some ways? Yes; but that is no justification for applying some false gender emphasis on what the content or gameplay style of a game should be.

Ironically enough I consider games that are supposedly oriented toward girls or female players to often be the worst offenders in this way. I used the Imagine series as an example above for good reason: they are intriguing ideas for games that lose a lot of their value through misguided gender emphasis in their marketing and design. By emphasizing their target activities as exclusively feminine -- subjects such as fashion design, veterinary work and even teaching being in the series' repertoire -- they are dealing a double whammy to gender equality in games. Not only does their insistence on the femininity of these activities actively discourage male gamers interested in the subject matter (and, let's face it, given the popularity of clothing mods in PC games there are more than a few male gamers who would have a blast with a fashion game,) but it also works as a subliminal hint to girls that these are the kinds of games they should look at instead of the next shooter or the next adventure game. Their very pride in the supposed gender they appeal to is their biggest problem.

The games that most often exemplify the most positive gender ethics more often fall into the adventure, puzzle, or simulator genres, because in many of these games gender serves primarily as an aesthetic choice and only in a secondary or even tertiary capacity to influence story or interaction options. Games like The Elder Scrolls series or Bioware's epic RPGs where a character's personality and, often, love interests, can be steered in any of a variety of ways without making what they are more important than who they are. Meanwhile many puzzle games benefit from the concept of removing gender as a factor entirely. While Peggle and other Popcap or "casual" games often appear on the lists advocates use to provide proof of female gamers, their greatest achievement is from removing gender from the gameplay equation at all.

The key here is that equating a game's genre or goal with the gender most appropriate for it is detrimental to the industry as a whole. Girls play shooters, guys play The Sims, and I know plenty of young men who would enjoy games about training horses or managing a small business oriented toward personal hygiene if the covers weren't saturated in pink and sparkles in a mistaken goal to target girls. Why gender concepts and content that don't need it?

Rule 2: Men And Women Are Not Two Extremes

I absolutely adore character creation in games. I love having the flexibility to choose how I appear in the game world and to see what options the game gives me to customize my avatar to fit who I want them to be. And yet, I often find myself underwhelmed or even annoyed by the options presented to me in games because of their reliance on definitive sex templates to define who a character is. If you build a woman she is going to be curvy and feminine: if you build a man he is going to be broad and strong. You have some flexibility within this, and more and more games are allowing the option to alter sexual attributes within certain limitations, but those limitations are often set on the outsides of biological norms, and are far from all-inclusive.

By creating a hard separation between men and women in the way characters are designed, games do little to promote an open understanding of sex, sexuality, and gender within their game worlds. Often times this will even extend to garments and objects one finds within a game. Many have been the times I've picked up a pair of pants in Oblivion only to be dismayed to find them transform into a skirt on my character because I had chosen to tick the F rather than the M during character creation. Likewise when playing Fable I've found outfits or even hair styles I would want to use for my character only to be faced with the problem of earning points in a "crossdressing" score that would often negatively impact my character's interactions with others. By applying these gender stereotypes games fail to embrace inclusive ideals and instead perpetuate needless double standards in regards to both males and females.

Once, just once, I would like to see a game where I can create a flat-chested thick-waisted female avatar, or a pretty male avatar with slight curves, just to be able to experiment with the variety that truly exists in nature concerning gender and presentation. The same goes toward personality traits as well. Let the player create a male character who is soft-spoken or gentle without tying aspects of abnormality or strangeness into their person, or let them create a broody, dark and terrible female figure who nobody would every accuse of using her sexuality to get her way. Not only does embracing such variance vastly increase the options available for characters in games both for the players and developers, but it makes the world feel more real than spending every day among the supposed ideals of society, and therefore more inclusive.

Rule 3: Your Main Character Does Not Define Your Audience

While character customization has become much more common in games than in the past, especially in regards to one's sex, many games still rely on a predefined and definitive character or characters for gameplay.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with this. Games, like movies or books, are often a storytelling medium to at least some capacity, and as such will often necessitate a specific character archetype to carry the events of the story toward the predefined conclusion. Where this falls down is in the way that many game developers will use their main character to define a target audience for their game.

The examples of this kind of targeting are numerous, as are the examples that subvert the trend. Many early games especially manage to avoid this issue by presenting their characters in such a way that the character itself is less important than the actions they perform. With modern games, though. . . .

As a youth I always enjoyed first person shooters. I grew up playing games like Doom and Dark Forces on my grandmother's computer before later graduating to Half Life, Quake 3, and even a little Halo. More recently, however, I have found these games harder and harder to get into or appreciate because of the portrayals of not only the main characters, but the reactions of the NPCs around them. Many third person games have this same problem, and it's an issue we as an industry inherit from the film industry: the main character is treated AS the audience, with little regard for differing opinions or feelings. The issue arises due to the difference in mediums. While a movie is a predefined series of events from an outside perspective, games are most often treated as an active continuity, with the player intended to either empathize with or at the very least maintain interest in the welfare and actions of main character.

Put more simply, it is easier to watch a movie with a character you don't identify with than it is to play a game with the same issue.

Unlike the other "rules" -- and I use that term lightly -- this one falls into much more of a gray area, partially because it extends to more than gender and sexuality: it covers a character's entire attitude. As such, there are plenty of cases where a character's attitudes defining the game's target audience make perfect sense!

Yes, that's right, there are times -- many of them -- when this rule can be ignored. If so, why bring it up?

Because there are also times -- again, many of them -- when ignoring this rule is detrimental to a game, and these situations almost always involve blatant sexism in the attitudes of either the game's characters, or the developers.

I mentioned at the very beginning of this article that I can't stand the Grand Theft Auto games, and this rule here is one of the major reasons why. Beyond being a criminal, the character you are expected to play in these games always seem to embody the worst elements of masculine attitudes. Several of the characters in the series are womanizers, and worse than that their interactions with women are almost always in a manner that objectifies them or sexualizes them far more than is needed for the narrative to be effective.

The GTA games are incredibly popular, but most girl gamers I know who like the series are hesitant to admit it, in no small part because of the sexism shown throughout the games.

Even games with female protagonists are far from immune from this attitude, though often times they take on the visage of femme fatales who use their sexuality to overcome obstacles in a way that is neither empowering nor positive for female gamers, ending up as nothing more than sexual fantasies for the male audiences they're targeted at.

Again, games like these will always exist so long as games exist as entertainment, but developers could very much benefit from taking into account whether targeting the audiences who seek this type of thing is of benefit to their game, and if not, should seek ways to correct it.

Tomb Raider is a great example of a series that has reinvented itself at least twice in this regard. While early games placed a great deal of emphasis on Laura Croft's sexuality, many of the newer titles have moved away from this toward a character-driven focus. While overall the games have always served as some of the more female-positive games around, these changes over the years to refine the main character's image have helped to prove just how much the company cares about its protagonist and the impact she has on those who play her games. As such, Laura Croft has more than managed to remain relevant: she has managed to excel as an example of what gender-positive marketing can do for a series. It still has its problems, but as the company devotes time to correcting those they improve the series greatly.

Games that target a mutually gender-positive or sex-positive outlook will almost universally have greater appeal than those that choose to express more limited, negative viewpoints.

So What Did Saints Row Get Right?

Saints Row serves as a unique example of positive gender ethics by insulting and satirizing both sides of the gender divide equally. By taking the same approach to sex and gender that it takes to violence, crime, and everything else, the game manages to rise on a pile of be-thonged prostitutes and male sex slaves to take its place near the top of my personal list of impressively gender-positive games. By providing a strong cast of characters of different genders, nationalities, and attitudes the game comes out ahead of many much more consciously inclusive games in terms of open mindedness, embracing subcultures in a way most games can only dream of.

It's a pity more games don't live up to that dream.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

PC Review -- Batman: Arkham Origins

While overall not a BAD game, Arkham Origins fails to live up to a lot of its pedigree.

I've been anxious to get a chance to play this game since it came out, and a recent sale finally allowed me the opportunity to delve into the world of Gotham once again as everyone's favorite caped detective. Sure, I'd read many of the reviews proclaiming the game "good, but not up to snuff" in comparison to the other games, but I was willing to give it a shot nevertheless on the basis that even a half-decent Arkham game was likely to outweigh the quality of most of what is put out nowadays.

I was quickly surprised by many small signs of quality immediately apparent in the product. The graphics for the game are quite nice in general, with well-detailed and varied enemy models and a solid design for the Dark Knight himself. Controls are exactly what you'd expect from an Arkham game at this point, which is to say a controller is highly recommended, with combat just as fun as it is in prior games in the series if somewhat more stilted due to the ability unlock system, but more on that later. Likewise, sound design is solid as well, with the voice actors chosen doing admirable jobs. Overall the aesthetics of the game are spot-on, balancing appeal with performance and doing it all while pulling solid framerates on my fairly mediocre specs even when maxxed out.

Where the quality starts to fall down is in the gameplay itself. Gadget unlocking is not the steady stream you have grown used to from the older games in the series, and uses are not always clearly laid out. In fact, several of the gadgets fail to serve any purpose in the game whatsoever other than padding out your inventory. The game world itself is large, but even more sparcely populated than Arkham City, and far less visually dynamic, lending many of the locations you visit a very "been there, done that" feel to events. Even the puzzling from the older entries is largely absent, with even the most complicated of applications involving little more than the systematic application of one to two inventory items, and only about six items in total are ever used for the puzzles period.

To give the game credit the story itself is fun and, so far, quite professional in its application. You run into the expected rogue's gallery of villains, and the game does well in playing off of the difference in strength between the various foes you encounter, even allowing for the occasional bit of humor in their handling. On the other hand, there is next to no sense of urgency about events in the game's core story, with the only goals that convey any feeling of anxiety to complete being side quests that are completely optional. Don't get me wrong, I'm not arguing for the existence of a time limit on the overall game, but some sense of a need to hurry and tackle the story would have been nice, and would help to add a sense of purpose to the overall world. Even the goals themselves boil down to nothing more than "open door, punch enemies, repeat," with the puzzles or exploration to accomplish a goal being below the standards set by the previous two games. I understand that the game was made by a different developer, which requires some allowances, but more essential puzzles would have greatly enhanced the game as a whole.

Overall, the game has been good. BUT.

Yes, but.

There are two parts of the game that I have to admit to having serious issues with.

The first issue I'll bring up is one that is not necessarily the game's fault, and that is my problems with stability. I say not "necessarily" the game's fault because, in PC gaming, certain allowances always must be made for different hardware and setting within said hardware. Despite those allowances, though, the glitches I've encountered in the game have all been quite frustrating and not fun. I've encountered multiple instances of interrogation subjects glitching into architecture and refusing to allow me to interrogate them, with one fight in particular requiring me to re-start the encounter four times because the enemy glitched the same way the first three times I tried it. In addition to that, I've encountered issues where controls will simply stop working. The game is simpler than the older games, to be sure, but losing one's ability to use gadgets still renders the game unplayable. This is an issue with the game and not my controller because a quick jump to the title screen and back to my most recent saves fixes it, but this shouldn't be necessary. In addition to all of this, there have been several times the game has slowed to an absolute crawl or even froze up, causing me frustration and even nearly crashing my entire computer. My system's no behemoth: AMD A8-3850 quad-core 2.9 GHz, 8 Gb DDR3 1600, AMD HD 6870 1 Gb GDDR5 -- but it averages 80 FPS in the game at 768p, so these slowdowns are very problematic and disturbing.

More than any of these issues, though, my biggest complaint about the game is the ability unlock system.

The regular ability trees are fine if not exactly ideal, and at the point I'm at I'm facing the frustrating issue of leveling faster than I'm unlocking abilities to apply my ability points to. What's more annoying is the abilities tied to accomplishing goals within the game. The system in general is one I appreciate and even commend, but the linearity of it is a ♥♥♥♥-poor way to handle a system of unlocks that is obviously intended to reward exploration and experimentation.

You have three notable sections of mini-goals for the game that allow you to unlock some of your abilities: abilities that can be unlocked no other way. These mini-goal tiers are each associated with a particular element of Batman, and the abilities and goals that are tied together are well considered. BUT. The goals can only be completed in order. What this means is that you cannot get credit for completing goals in a tree -- no matter how many times you do the action that should do it -- unless you've completed all lower goals. This might not sound flawed at first, but in practice it becomes an exercise in frustration.

As an example, I am stuck in one of the trees on a goal to complete a predator encounter without being seen. This is a VERY EARLY goal in the tree, but one that I have progressed in the story to the point of rendering it next to impossible, partially due to lack of abilities unlocked by moving up in the tree. Why didn't I complete this already? Because my combat style did not automatically lend itself to one of the lower goals, which took longer than it should have for me to accomplish. I managed no less than 3 predator encounters completely invisible prior to completing that one lower goal, but none of them count, oh no, because the system is built so linear. The older games liked to have goals you could accomplish that stacked toward certain bonuses, but were much more freeform in how they handled these, and as a result much more fun and, dare I say it, more user-friendly. By hard locking the order these goals must be accomplished in the developers have turned a system that could have rewarded creativity and experimentation into one that instead punishes the player for not doing things in the precise order the devs wanted, which is a terrible, terrible thing.

Is the game on the whole fun? Yes, it is, as is evidenced by my hours already in it. I've yet to complete the main story, but despite all my issues with the game the overall experience is good enough that I DO intend to. Frustrations with poor design choices aside the game is a good addition to the Arkham universe, albeit one I would recommend playing before the older games, not only due to its prequel status but also to minimize frustration over the game's inferior state. Combat is in most cases just as satisfying as in the previous entries, if a touch slower than Arkham City, but the puzzles themselves are far less interesting and the world feels, for lack of a better word, flat in comparison to the other games.

Final Rating: 6 out of 10

While not a bad game, Arkham Origins fails to build upon, or in many ways live up to, the older entries in the series. Some good visual production values fail to pull what is otherwise an empty and sometimes glitchy experience up to a higher level of quality.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Why Hardcore?

 I like games.

No, wait. I take that back. I LOVE games. Card games, board games, video games, I absolutely adore them all. I've played games nearly every day of my life, and they have helped to shape the person I am today. I've owned a massive game collection spanning more than thirty-five years of titles, and I've kept an ear to the tracks following any and all news I could about the industry for as long as I've had access to the internet.

Am I a hardcore gamer?

I don't think so.

Is that important?

Not in the slightest.

While the phenomenon is certainly nothing new, the classification of gamers into groups based on perceived merit of their tastes or dedication has taken a massive turn for the worst over the last ten to fifteen years. With the rise of social media integration in consoles the face of gaming has moved away from the shared experiences of the past and more toward the very choice of what games you play, and how you play them, being a game in and of itself, and a highly competitive one at that. With many players basing one's value as a "gamer" on such things as Xbox gamer scores or PlayStation trophies, it is my opinion that gaming has lost a large part of what always made the older consoles so fun: cooperative community.

True, competition has always been a key part of the electronic gaming scene. With the old arcade games the only real goal of playing was to achieve the highest score possible with the aim of proving your superiority versus other players on the same cabinet. As gaming advanced, though, these elements steadily lost their place as the focal point of games, usurped by the likes of story, progression, and experience-oriented goals and rewards more akin to tabletop games than the original arcade experiences. Home consoles brought on the competition between competing hardware or franchises as well, leading to some incredibly memorable experiences for those who grew up during the heyday of the Sega/Nintendo debates or, more recently, the Microsoft/Sony competitions, but with the increase in availability of cross-platform releases gaming's competitive focus has seen a shift away from single-games and more toward a focus on the entertainment medium as a whole.

Of course, with that shift in focus many players have developed far more strict ideas of what defines a "gamer." Gone are the days when anyone who played consoles or PC games -- or anyone who could so much as name a game, even -- could be considered a gamer. Now you can be hardcore, or competitive, or casual, or any number of other labels that have creeped into the lexicon over the last couple of decades to define and separate our numbers into smaller bite-sized chunks, each with animosity toward the others in some way shape or form.


I'm a Gamer, full stop. To me it doesn't matter if a player is a fan of one game or many, Sony, Nintendo, or (grudgingly for the newest generation) Microsoft. What is important is our shared experience with our entertainment medium of choice. As a player I couldn't care less what my friends' kill/death ratios in Call of Duty are, nor do I care about how high their gamerscore is or how many games they've beat. No, what I do care about is the experiences they've had, both good and bad, and the stories they can tell about their adventures.

Games, like film or literature or music, are not something that exists for the sake of defining someone as better or worse than another. They are there to enrich the lives of those who delve to understand and experience them. The high-score competitions of the old days were never about defining winners and losers: it was about challenging yourself to do your best. In the mid- to late 90's, and moving forward into the 00's, gaming almost completely abandoned the likes of scoreboards in favor of cooperative and goal-based gameplay that was intended to inspire users to enjoy the experience, not master it. With the rise of social media and the mass return of scoreboards and a competitive focus to just about everything, many gamers have lost a lot of what gaming has grown into.

It's not about being more hardcore or skilled than other players. It's not about how many hours you've dropped into matches or where you are on the leaderboards or even how many people are on your social media friends lists.

It's about the games.

And if it's about the games, then shouldn't enjoying them, in whatever capacity, be enough?

Friday, May 16, 2014

An Introduction to Game Academy

Hello people, and welcome to what, with luck, will be the first of many entries into my new blog about gaming: Game Academy.

Let's get the obvious part out of the way first: the name. Yes, I have no doubt it will come across as rather pretentious given that I am an amateur video game aficionado, and given that I couldn't take "Game Academy" as my URL I'm assuming someone else has and may just take umbrage to my desire to use it. BUT, there is a method to my madness. The name is chosen to imply exactly what I want to convey in this blog: not just opinions and reviews, but articles over the history of gaming as a whole. There will likely be a heavy emphasis on video games, at least in the early life of the blog, but the goal is to eventually start providing readers with information and lesson plans focusing on the development and cultural significance of games as a whole, from card games to pinball, all the way to the modern home console markets. As such, Game Academy is a very apt name for what I intend to supply my readers.

Now that that's said and done, on to the fun stuff. Content will start out being posted as I write it, with no set plan or order. Once I've achieved a certain amount of content it will become my goal to schedule posts to the blog based on subject matter. In the long term the goal is to focus on purely informational posts rather than opinion pieces, but at first things will likely consist of mostly reviews, opinion articles, and the like. These will continue to be a part of the blog's content, but will move from being major content to weekend or special event content as more informational and lesson plan material is worked up.

Reviews will be posted for games and hardware, and will cover both old and new releases as they are reviewed. Everything will be reviewed on a ten-point scale structured as follows:
-1- Lowest of the low. No redeeming qualities. Avoid at all costs.
-2- Trash. Perhaps a good idea or concept, but awful execution.
-3- Amateur. Glitchy or broken, but with strong concepts that make it worth consideration.
-4- Below average. Problems mar an acceptable experience, but the product fails to stand out.
-5- Low average. Nothing exceptionally bad or good, kind of a meh game.
-6- High average. Entertaining, but flawed, or exceedingly well executed but fails to enthuse.
-7- Above average. The product as a whole is strong and has merit beyond simple entertainment.
-8- Good. A cut above, exemplifying good construction in story, gameplay, or both.
-9- Great. Stylistically or technically impressive. What every game should strive to obtain.
-10- Ideal. Nigh impossible level of perfection in technical, gameplay, or story detail. A game for the ages.

The scale above lists standards based on games, but the same general level of consideration will be applied to hardware as it gets reviewed. Note that mid-level scores are average, not low. This means that just because a product fails to obtain a superior score -- and few will -- does not mean it is a poor product overall.

The last thing I want to cover in this introductory post is writers. For the moment I am the only writer, though it is my intention to recruit others to the cause as well. A more typical "getting to know you" article from me will appear in the future, and as new writers are added and contribute material such articles will appear to cover them as well.

With all of that said and done, welcome to Game Academy! I hope we can all have a great time and learn a lot of great things!